strippers, stop signs and corpses
Aug. 05, 2005 ~ 8:56 am

Today I'm not on Cedar Avenue.... actually Im not sure I know where I am exactly-- somewherre in Okliehomie visiting the sister...

What I do know is theres a party at my sisters and youre all invited as long as youre outta here by 3p.m.

There's a cover charge of 5 bucks but free drinks and male strippers in the guestroom. The password is: Peanuts.

If no one decides to show up I just may be forced to amuse myself.

I've meant to update much sooner than today but everytime I sat down to the computer I'd find myself having nothing to say....

.. normally I would turn any ordinary situation into a reason to update but lately my brain has gone to mush. I think its my imaginary tumor... its affecting everything from my eyesight to my wit and charm.

Speaking of eyesight, the letters on this screen are going in and out fuzzy....

either my sister needs a new laptop or its time for me to visit an eye doctor...

... I hope this things on warranty..

I'm too paranoid about my eyes for contact lenses and glasses aren't meant for a cute little mug like mine.... and by "cute" i mean "unique"....

.. and by "unique" i mean "octagonal"...

.. thats right, my face is a stop sign... and i owe it all to my hairline and cheeky cheeks.

Im convinced I could be dead for 15 years before my cheeks even begin to sink in... by then, you can dig up my grave, open my coffin see a withered corpse, empty eye sockets, ashes for hair and yet the cheeks remain.....

trust me.... you'll be able to give'em a good hearty pinch.

The fellas at work used to joke that I kept my lunch in my cheeks and simply chewed every 4 hours....

..and i cried.

... and chewed.

Perhaps I shall be making that appointment sometime this week.... I've never been to an eye doctor as my eyesight has always been fairly good....

... until now....

aging sucks.....

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