generation traitor
Jul. 09, 2005 ~ 10:43 pm

I grew up on a Cedar Avenue.

It was once a great street to live on... peaceful I should say.

Old folks to our left... old folks to our right...

for some reason the thought never crossed my mind that old folks eventually die.

eventually and unfortuneatly because its what now leaves Cedar Avenue as a big open street for families with our generation to move in. Gang bangin little hoodlums hanging out on front stoops at one a.m. on a school night....

preteen youth running from yard to yard finding anything to steal...

... and I do mean anything.

My mothers woken to a few mornings of finding her garden figures kidnapped.

Now thats some hardcore stealing. Yes siree.... nothing like takin a 12" Precious Moments plastic bunny to your homies declaring your manhood.

For the love of God folks, best to cement down your wind activated pinwheels....

is nothing sacred these days??

Sometimes I feel I'm too old to be in my late 20s.... am I turning my back on my generation???

.. if by my generation you mean grammatically impaired, lackadaisical adults currently starting families of discipline-deprived children....

then yes... yes Im turning my back amongst my generation.

disclaimer: cedar-avenue hereby declares that although disappointed in what this generation has become, i can not be held accountable for any signs of grammatical impairment or lackadaisical mannerisms within this journal... for you see.. i still am a part of this generation... no matter how hard i've prayed.

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