soft porn at the craft store
Dec. 11, 2005 ~ 10:47 am

Another fun-filled day at work yesterday...

only this time.. it was fun with soft porn...

... ok not really..

but the man bought in paintings that were meant to represent phallic symbolism... he had about 10 pieces but only 4 were of sexual content...

abstract sexual content.

Had I not been informed of the meaning behind the pieces I may not have figured out that two of them were phallic....

the other 2 represented the female form surrounded by phallisicism....

yes, thats right... i said phallisicism...

... I don't know the man personally but I could have told you he was an idiot asshole before I even seen his artwork.

Not that soft porn is made by idiot assholes, but knowing these particular pieces are from an idiot asshole make framing them rather uncomfortable...

If I'm not mistaken he has a thing for my supervisor. If she's not around the shop then he doesn't want anyone else handling his orders nor his work...

... he also offered for her to keep one of his pieces...

... i'm sure he's hoping she picks the pink and black phallic symbols...

yeah... pink and black.

I'm not a penis expert or anything but... well, nevermind... that just seems entirely unnatural.

I finished framing them all but refrained from calling him to pick up his order simply because I didn't care to see the man ...

.. we came to the decision of waiting to call him until closing tonight. That way the chances are greater that he'll pick them up Monday when neither one of us are scheduled...

... i seriously considered taking a picture of these pieces with my cell phone but...

somehow i just wouldn't feel clean...

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