Secretary of the Month
Aug. 25, 2005 ~ 7:54 pm

Well folks, as of Wednesday, my ass is no longer unhappily unemployed... I am now one of two secretaries at a nearby psychiatric clinic....

.. imagine that...

... i always knew I'd end up in a clinic... i just never thought I'd get paid for being there...

So yes, I have now become unhappily employed.

Even though its only been two days, I must admit I've learned a lot thus far...

I've learned to take phone calls, file paperwork, compute patients in, use a copy machine properly, and interact with therapists on a professional level...

.. but perhaps the most important thing I've learned....

... is that my ass is not made for this job.

Oh sure, I may have a cute little swivel chair and half the receptionist area to myself, but the responsibilities and the need to learn every last detail of the company programs to a tee are a bit much for my A.D.D. to handle.

Not to mention the fact that my ass simply isnt meant to sit down for 8 long hours... my feet tend to go from a slow tapping to a violent shaking after 3 hours.

I think it all really hit home when I stepped into the employee restroom and found a mess of soap splatters all over the sink.

How one gets squirts and squirts of soap all over the rim of the sink is beyond me, but there it was.. hurting my eyeballs and taunting me...

... feeling it was no big deal, I washed down the sink and scrubbed it all away.. only it didnt stop there... I soon found myself shining up the faucet, removing any dust I found throughout the room and setting everything in an orderly manner...

... and I didnt mind. When all was said and done, I realized I had to go back to my little swivel chair and it was about that time that it hit me:

I'd much rather be cleaning the damn toilet than sitting in that chair...

I'm sick I tell you... sick.

And because everyones entitled to their own opinions, I've sat and listened to everyone tell me to give it a chance because I'm desperate for cash...

desperate for cash??? ... maybe...

desperate for a daily dose of 8 hour depression??? ... never.

So how did I solve the problem??....

well....I basically went in today (Day#2) and told my supervisor I got a last minute job offer which would pay me twice as much as the secretarial job...

being the doll that she is, she expressed her sadness but congratulated me nonetheless and told me it was ok.

... and so that story ends tomorrow afternoon. It will be my last day as my "imaginary" job starts Monday..

Stupid move? probably...

whats stupider is the fact that someone allowed me to have the job in the first place...

is it really safe to make me responsible enough to handle anything with the words "patient" or "medications"??

... is it??????

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