full house and dead presidents
Feb. 26, 2006 ~ 11:50 pm

The surprise party couldn't have been better. The cake was adorable, thank you very much.

Of course everything was chaos until the very last minute when it all pulled together nicely...

the cake ended up being a simple cake with an incredibles logo.. i ran out of time and everything that could go wrong just about did.

THe boyfriend went nuts over the whole deal and all was good. I loved every minute of it ..

He had no clue i was in on it until the last half hour of the party when they actually brought the cake to him... one of the ladies turned to me and told me how good the cake was and i bashfully thanked her ...

(yes, thats right... bashfully)

it was about that time my boyfriend gave me the ol squinty eyes and figured it all out...

I love surprise parties...

And before this entry turns into an episode of Full House, I must now get my beauty sleep for tomorrow I will hope to find out wether or not I've gotten a job at tar-get... sadly i am anticipating it and perhaps even more sadly I'm expecting to hear from them.

tis all about the benjamins... or in my case, maybe the lincolns....

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