orange jumper
Sept. 11, 2005 ~ 2:31 pm

It's been 3 months since I left HellMart and I have yet to see my last paycheck....

... three months... by now the original check would be void from the damn expiration date...

... My only option is to go back in and talk to the bitch one last time and give her the option of either giving me money or dying...

They're also to distribute the money I've got coming in from my 401K plan... theres a small penalty fee for taking that money out before I'm 65 but at the rate they distribute my checks, I probably won't see it until I'm 65 anyway....

... it'll be a sad, sad day if I get my first paycheck from Michaels before my last paycheck from Hellmart....

.. speaking of Michaels, all seems to be well thus far on the forefront...

the store managers a butch type with a diva attitude...

didnt actually know it was possible to be a butch and a diva but low and behold. Wednesday afternoon she walked right past me to go to the frameshop counter and page me to the backroom.

... she walked right past me... just so she could page me over the intercom... perhaps the diva in her likes the sound of her own voice...

I simply peeked my head out of the aisle and said "I'm right here.... 20 paces from you and uh... 5 paces from the backroom..."

perhaps we havent gotten off on the right foot.

She was also a bit miffed yesterday as she had to help us attend to a customer in the frameshop. Apparently after I went on break she pulled my supervisor aside and asked why I wasn't attending the waiting customer.

Well let's see.. its day 3 of my training and considering the fact that I've never been nor never will be a brain child, its going to take a bit more than two days of orientation before I can tackle anything alone....

... my supervisor was the one who informed me of this matter shortly after:

"You know, 'butchy' came up to me and asked why she was helping the customer in line instead of you doing it.."
"oh, did she?? Well tell her I said she looked like she needed something to do so I let her handle it... and that she can thank me later"

... i have a feeling butchy's not going to like me very much. I also have a feeling that I will one day be pulling her aside to demand she speak directly to me instead of sending her puppets to "indirectly" tell me things...

.. its going to be an interesting season at Michaels folks... interesting indeed.

For now I have bigger issues to deal with......

.. if I dont update again soon, assume I'm behind bars for vandalizing a walmart and injuring the payroll department...

.. one things for certain.... an orange jumper would definitely add color to my wardrobe...

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