leaving oklahoma
Aug. 07, 2005 ~ 5:26 am

Well folks.... im down to my final hour in Oklahoma.....

i meant to update last night but apparently somethings gotten into my left arm that I can't explain...

started out with a discomfort in the palm of my hand and gradually moved its way toward my elbow then higher towards my shoulder....

no i'm not having a stroke.....

Apparently my arm had swollen sometime during the late afternoon.

The mother gave my arm a rubdown with some pain medication and mummified it with a towel before going to bed....

I figured it would be all fine and dandy until I woke up around 4 a.m with an unbearable pain... perhaps i've strained my muscle somehow....

... bleh.

As if my eyesight blurring wasn't enough for me to worry about.....

damn eyeballs.... I had always prided myself in being the only person who didn't require glasses in my family, and now... well now my eyes are decieving me... after all we've been thru together, its come down to this...

no offense to the vision impaired of course....

Last night I recall the sister diagnosing me with astigmatism. The woman had problems spelling ASTIGMATISM let alone defining it for me...

,.. but her ramblings of it certainly had my father convinced.

Father: "Hey that sounds pretty good!"

.... leave it to my father to say his daughter having astigmatism sounds pretty good. My heart has a new crack in it.... and apparently my corneas are football shaped....

My diagnosis: my sisters brain is football shaped.... Astigmatic, if you will.

But alas little ones I must now go and prepare for this long ride home...

Who knew there was a 5 a.m. on Sundays?

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