i've missed you D*land
2005-07-07 ~ 4:12 p.m.

Well, well, well diaryland. Here we go again. Starting anew on a fresh blank canvas.

Starting anew where no one knows I'm the procrastinator entry writer.

At least its what I've become since I've moved out of my parents house. Living on your own can suck sometimes. It's not that I can't afford internet access... its just that....

.. I can't afford a phone line plus internet access.

And I dont trust anything thats "free".

So here I am, visiting the parents house trying to configure a way to make this page my own with personalization and no membership.

Oh how I miss membership.

I gave andrew the best two years of my life and now he wants to act like he cant lend a sista membership access.

I never thought I'd see the day.

Perhaps I shall scurry off to create a layout I can live with...

.. no thanks to andrew that is.

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