odd dreams strike again
Dec. 06, 2005 ~ 3:31 pm

I need a theme for my diaryland layout...

I could represent some of my favorite artwork from simon silva or diego rivera...

I could represent something stupid crazy that only I would understand...

I could go abstract...

I could go dark...

I could go girly...

ah, so many looks... so little patience....

this isn't something that should keep me from updating but everytime i seem to log on i seem to focus on changing the layout...

.. and get nowhere...
.. and dont update...

.. heres an update for you..

a few nights ago I dreamt I was a Korean woman in a truck with protecting soldiers... I saw my two children get shot in the head, then prayed I too would be shot...

.. and so it was.

I got shot in the shoulder, prayed harder, and got shot in the head. I smiled at the soldier cradling my two little girls and rested my head to die making sure I marked the exact feeling of what death was.

Death was a tingling sensation all over your body...

you know the type.. the tingles in your feet when they fall asleep... only this feeling rushes from your head to your toes...

.. and just as I was taking my last breath (as this korean woman) I awoke...

.. and that was that.

Oddly enough I haven't seen any war movies in ages, wasn't watching anything before going to bed, and didnt have any heavy food in my stomach...

.... now thats an update.

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