is my tongue still bleeding?
Nov. 30, 2005 ~ 9:43 am

happy belated turkey day diaryland...

if you were a real person you'd think i was an insensitive bastard for waiting so long to hear from me.


If I'm not mistaken the only things left in my apartment are plastic bottles and cardboard to be recycled... and a clogged bathtub.

It looks as though jabba the hut had a feces fest in my tub... I'd give you an actual image, but I think jabbas feces says it all.

.... oh... but its not feces... perhaps i should rephrase that... its simply murk thats come up from the pipes for whatever reason...

i havent showered in two weeks....

... not in my apartment, that is... all because yes i have been too damn procrastinative to fix the problem...

.. yes thats right, I said procrastinative...

.. but now I shall turn the problem over to my good friend liquid plumber and if he can't fix it...

then my landlady cousin will have to deal with it.

Speaking of the landlady cousin, I hear she's telling the family that I haven't started moving out yet... and she doesnt know when I'll actually move out...

... ummm... i reiterate... all i have left is plastic bottles and cardboard to be recycled... and a clogged bathtub....

...a feces free clogged bathtub...

is it that she's eager for me to leave?? seems as such...

last night my brother and I ran into her just as we were packing a final load into the car...

I was prepared for her to ask the question: "You almost done packing up your things?" ... or something to that effect... when she instead shows us the driver side of her car...

.. apparently her car had encountered a semi-truck two days ago while she was on her way to work. It seems that somehow the semi hit her, got stuck in the door of her car and dragged her and her car for God only knows how many feet, and finally swung her loose, only to speed away after sending her into a tailspin towards oncoming traffic....

thats right... the fu@%er sped up the minute she got loose.

luckily she's ok and walked out of the situation without a scratch... her car was still driveable but the back door of her driver side looks like an open can of sardines...

... she called to file a report and still managed to drive to work all in that same morning.

Had that been me, I would have taken a few damn days off of work to cope with my near death experience... but hey...

she likes to think she's a responsible adult which means she has priorities such as this thing called "work". she likes to think she's so responsible that she's entitled to not wearing her seatbelt while driving.

the girl is lucky to be alive...

A state trooper once pulled her over and told her he was simply ensuring her safety to which she scoffed and insisted he was only out to harrass her because he had nothing better to do with his time and that if she dies from not wearing a seatbelt that should still be her choice...


But I digress... she tells us this semi-truck story then proceeds to ask "You almost done packing up your things?"...

... and time froze... do I say something smart or do I simply shrug it off and say yes...

... for one brief moment I envision her shaking and crying behind the wheel after her accident and time seems to unfreeze... I then simply turn to her and say "yep... just about"...

.. and people think I'm selfish... ppffff

After spending hell week with innumerous idiots at work, I still manage to consider other peoples feelings...

Of course work is an entirely different can of worms that I shall not open at the moment... we all know the story:

Idiots roam the earth...and unfortuneatly my store is a part of this earth...

enough said.... if you'll excuse me, theres a murky tub in my near future...

if anyone happens to see the trailer of a semi carrying shreds of a gray mazda, please inform the feds..

thank you and good day

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