too good to be true
Nov. 21, 2005 ~ 10:42 am

Back for another entry... apparently I just made an entry 11 days ago but it seems as if it's been months...

almost everything has been packed up and brought back to the parents house...

i'm anxious to move back in...

... we'll see how long that lasts.

In other news, Thanksgiving dinner will be an uncles house this year... It's a fairly nice sized house and he's planning to prepare it as a sleepover in case the festivities go on till the break of down...

... grandma gets down, folks.. let me tell you...

ok, so not really till the break of dawn but pretty damn late. I've been working retail for about 8 years now and everybody knows that the day after Thanksgiving sales are madness. For employees it means getting your ass up at 4 in the morning to be at work by 5 or 6... and dealing with angry mobs.

EIGHT years...

... and this year... well... this year I'm finally given a break. Not only do I not have to work on Thanksgiving... I don't have to work the day BEFORE Thanksgiving...and my shift on the day after is 2-6...

.. thats right baby.. no early morning wakeups... no early morning mobs.... and no, not even any late night clean-up....

If work even thinks about switching up the schedule this week there will be hell to pay....

.. I've earned this holiday dammit. 8 thanksgiving holidays in which I've survived the stampedes of the mobs, the bitching of female customers, the baby strollers rushed at high speeds directly into my heels, witnessing wheel chairs being knocked onto their sides, having items snatched out of my hands after taking two steps out of the stockroom, having to be walked to the backroom office after nearly passing out, and ultimately the near death experience of a man having a stroke at my register....

... I'm thankful for many things every year... but I'll be damned if I'll give thanks for after-thanksgiving sales...

... i'll be damned...

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