For shame...
Mar. 10, 2006 ~ 11:25 am

I'm terrible at keeping up to date with this thing.

I broke my Lenten vow already... i had to report to t@rget for my first day on the job and even though I managed to go to my 2nd interview without makeup, I didnt feel right starting the job without my face paint.

I know, I know... its really sad when you think about it, but at the same time, when there are so many women around me saying they understand what i mean, its hard to feel guilty and wrong for giving in.

Its as though I felt unprofessional going out to certain places without makeup. I guess when you get down to it, most of us depend on that makeup for a little extra oomph....

I lasted 6 days.... not even a full week. By day 3 I was having withdrawal but it wasn't until I went for my 2nd interview that i felt it the worst... I felt as though I was giving the impression that I didnt care for my appearance...

yes I know this was only a job at t@rget but ... i'm weak. By the time my first day of orientation came, I reached for the eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara...

stupid self image consciousness...

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